D.H.office is an art services company based in Venice, Italy and Celerina (St. Moritz), Switzerland. Our expert in-house team and network of specialists and suppliers deliver comprehensive services to the arts sector, supporting museums, foundations, galleries, and artists to produce exhibitions, programming, and works of art.

From strategic advising and operational planning, to exhibition production and art fabrication, we offer a broad range of competencies to our clients and collaborators in order to develop relevant cultural initiatives in our communities. Working primarily in Venice, we strive to offer industry-leading sustainable production of projects, many of which thematically interrogate the human relationship to our ecosystem.

Collaborators include: TBA21, Museo Ebraico di Venezia, The Rothschild Foundation, Schloss Tarasp, Charlap Hyman & Herrero, Joan Jonas, Isabel Lewis, Armin Linke, Giuseppe Penone, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Wu Tsang, and Not Vital, among others.